> The Consecrated
I am a villain.
I have conquered cities and subjected the masses. Raised a nation under my name and made all bow to my every whim; leading them to glory and destruction in equal measure. I am fully aware of the wickedness of my actions and ─ unlike the rest of you ─ I can say for certain I am in complete possession of my mental faculties. I have long since been undone, my god turned from me and a hero rose to cut me down but do not mistake this for a story of villains and heroes. Nor is it a story of my redemption for, I promise you, never will an apology leave my lips.

This is a love story.
─ opening of a letter from Illya Voss to the city council of Meconopsis

A villain undermines himself with his egotism and his own god betrays him to the hero who’s come to stop him once and for all. The curtain descends and the audience claps. But that is not what happened when Tsadbonyds, the hidden, set its high priest up to fall. Spurned by undefined kinship driven up by reading Illya Voss’ diaries, the divine beast Laury does not strike him down but spirits him away with the hope to save him despite himself.

There Illya sees a new side to his longtime rival and the old world he inhabits as the only known coherent divine beast. Not the least of which being a daughter he knew nothing of prior to meeting. A daughter that, by all laws of the world, should not exist.
